

Breaking News: CMS Allows E/M Codes to be Billed for Telephone Visits During Covid-19 Outbreak

Here is the latest information, simplified. Click here to view the CMS Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet

Understanding the Difference Between Telemedicine, Telehealth, Virtual Check-ins, E-visits

  • Telemedicine is audio only (99441-3) based on time see attached – established patients only

  • Telehealth is audio AND video (99201-99215 new and established patient E/M). Audio could be anything from Skype to Zoom to to iChat etc.

  • Virtual check-in is audio - CMS only (G2012) established patients only

  • E-visit is online (99421-3 for MD & G2061-3 for non-MD, qualified professional)

  • Modifier to use for any of the above is 95 and place of service is 02

  • Document consent of patient, who is present with patient, virtually time-stamp call and normal documentation of visit

  • Patient should initiate call, however practice can educate patients re: this visit type

As always, feel free to call us at 516-775-8606 with any questions.